Give Now

Our core value is providing donors the opportunity to participate in the development of funds that generate grants for our local and broad Catholic community.

Give to an Existing Fund

Endowments are essential to an organization’s financial viability. An endowment is a permanent fund invested for the benefit of a particular purpose. Grants are made only from the investment earned by the fund, never its capital. Therefore, an endowment donation gives perpetually, providing FOREVER VALUE to its beneficiary.

The Foundation also manages funds that are not endowed. These funds may grant at a higher rate and/or be fully spent, depending on the terms of the agreement

See our full list of funds >>

Start a New Fund

Designated Endowment

Designated Endowments provide permanent support to a parish, school, organization, or ministry you love. From the endowment, we make annual distributions to that institution or ministry – FOREVER. The principle of the endowment is never drawn upon so the funds never expire.

  • Permanent support for one ministry or organization
  • $10,000 minimum initial gift ($1,000 if designee is a parish)
  • 0.5% annual fee
  • Minimum investment balance for grant distributions: $25,000
  • 3% – 5% disbursement amount per year

Contact us to open a new fund >>


Field of Interest Endowment

Field of Interest Endowments provide ongoing support and reward good works in an area that inspires you, such as youth ministry, support for the elderly, liturgy, etc. From this endowment we make grants to specific projects that fit your definitions via our application cycle.

  • Permanent support for an area of work that inspires you, e.g. youth ministry, social justice
  • Grants to local parishes, Catholic schools, Catholic organizations, and ministries
  • $250,000 minimum initial gift
  • 2% annual fee
  • The grant cycle will begin after 9 months of investment experience
  • 3% – 5% of invested balance available to grant
  • Application cycle for grants opens annually; Foundation Grants Committee reviews all applications

 Contact us to open a new fund >>


Family Endowment

A Family Endowment allows individuals and families to leave a legacy of support for the Catholic organizations and ministries that impacted them during their life. Families can endow their annual giving, so that the gifts to the organizations they love will continue FOREVER.

  • Permanent support for multiple organizations or ministries designated by a family
  • May be actualized in life or as a bequest
  • $25,000 minimum to start
  • $500 minimum grant to each beneficiary
  • Grants made annually in December
  • 3% – 5% disbursement amount per year
  • 0.5% annual fee

More information about Family Endowments >>


Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) offer flexibility in your charitable giving. We provide you with information about opportunities to meet needs in our Catholic community. Schedule time to discuss how you can move money to a DAF with us for immediate tax deduction and then decide later which charities you wish to support.

  • Grant to any qualified 501(c)3 in the US; does not need to be a Catholic organization
  • $5,000 minimum initial gift
  • 1% annual fee
  • Minimum grant of $250
  • Online access to fund balances, grant history, gift history, database of grantees
  • Grants distributed within 30 days of request

More information about Donor Advised Funds >>

Make an Unrestricted Donation

Unrestricted donations are used to support the general operations of the Foundation. At board discretion, they may also be added to individual endowment funds.